• broken image

    These men and women,

    who were our children were warriors and heroes for they knew knowledge of

    witch craft, architecture, and other arts.

    They rose to fight against the men without spirit, who are the true abomination of man.

    These fools who lacked creative power are the proverbial shells!

    Woe unto those who call good evil and evil good!


    Esoteric Tarot Course : Discovering Your Higher Self

    The Tarot, from an esoteric perspective is first and formost an initiatic tool. This is the premiss for the course. The tarot can be used as a method of transformation, an inner work of the soul. First you have to take the fools journey, to expose and to understand that you are more then the sum total of what the machine/society have programed you to believe, or tried to make you believe!

    This fools journey can lead you to the discovery of your daimon, or your higher self. Your higher self is born outside of the machine, waiting for you, sleeping but not dead! It is a deeper kind of a slumber and the machine/society have become your sandman! And you as a human are the nightmare ready to wake up! With numerology, Hebrew letter, symbols and secrets decoded in the tarot, we can take the first step towards an awakening!

    Welcome to a course in tarot as an esoteric method!

    The course is 11 sessions long, each session will last 90 minutes. The course began on the 22 of March, and ends 7 of June. You can still join and see a recording of the 1st session. Last date of joining is 29th March.

    It will be a one week break in April. I will use Zoom as a platform for the course. We will be on Zoom, every Saturday, 6pm Swedish time. It will last 90 minutes to 7.30pm. We will have time for questions in every session. The course cost 110 dollar for the first season, 22 of Mars to 7 of June.

    This is the first season out of four, beginning again in autumn for an even deeper dive in to esoteric tarot. Please watch the video and sign up below. David


    A ninteen part series about the Tarot card game, Sola Busca.

    Part 1: A deeper kind of slumber.

    Part 2: Sumeria and Babylon

  • The LEFT HAND PATH Method

    Method and Goals

    Methods and Goals

  • New 3 Part Series

    The first par . ”Stanley Kubricks Shining Odyssey”. The second part: "Atlantis and the Watchers in the days of Noah"- Coming on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio, 28 of Mars.
    The third part: ”AI, Kubricks future dystopia”.
    Part 1 Stanley Kubricks Shining Odyssey

    A three part series about how the metaphysical reality, Universe B connects to the world of matter, Universe A. With an esoteric method we can change the outcome in our world of matter, but we have to transcend it in order to bring in change from the metaphysical. In myth, religion, and movies/books we can start to understand the process if we learn how to decode it. And the world was made flesh!

    Part 1

    Part 2:

    Part 3:

  • Invoking Hecate

    Lecture as part of Aeon Byte Astro Gnosis Conference 2024
  • The End Times and Revelations

    3 Part series

    Part 2: Necromancy And The Search For Eternity

    Part 3: An Esoteric Decode Of Lord Of The Rings


    6 Part series
    The Watchers are in focus, but also alternative history, Greek mythology, Norse mythology, and the Anunnaki gods. The goal is to connect the myths in to one inclusive narrative, but the main goal is to empower humanity.

    Part 2: "Lucifer, Prometheus has fallen."

    Part 3: "Belial, specks of stardust."Epilogue: "Sound of Belial."

    Part 4: "Apollyon, genes, monsters and men."

    Part 5: Lilith, fire and lust

    Part 6: Lucifer, the beginning and the end."

    Epilogue: "The watchers series."

  • /David Block

    broken image

    My name is David Block born in Sweden Uppsala. I studied art from an early age. Later on I became interested in film studies, booth theory and practice. I studied film in a film school in Stockholm, Kulturama. After my school days I made a couple of music videos, short movies and one future length movie. Later I went on to study at a university. At the university I studied pedagogy, film science, film making, psychology. I have worked as a teacher in a Swedish gymnasium, the students are between 16 and 19 years old.

    My subjects have been art, film and psychology.

    During my studies I became interested in esoteric knowledge.

    I went on from Alchemy to Luranic Kabbalah and finally to become a left hand path practitioner. I started my internet career in Sweden, on a Swedish YouTube channel, ”Wake up globe”. Today I have a more international outlook. I have courses in ”Left hand path” esoterica, both online, and in my home. I have had many lectures in Sweden, esoteric knowledge is in focus. I have a YouTube channel DavidBlock39

    /David Block

    Support my work through a donation @


    Thank You


    Get in Contact



    "What I offer you is the ability to perceive through the Eye of the Dragon, that common denominator of life force or libido which permeates all. This is the Dragons breath. Even something as seemingly lifeless as your temple floor is in a state of constant movement and change. In fact, through the eyes of the Watchers the human race is perceived this way. No matter how chaotic and busy you think your experience is,
    broken image